LP Creative Co. close The Title January 27th by Lauren Hunt

Your brand is a complex, comprehensive story. Our branding experience helps you find your voice to share it.

Business Begins with Branding

Whether it’s the color scheme of your web design or the logo that graces your business cards, the initial impression that your brand presents to potential customers will last throughout all of your future interactions. Our Kansas City branding experts are no strangers to this fact, and are here to make sure that your brand leaves a positive and unforgettable impression. Contact our Overland Park office today.

Omaha Branding
Omaha Branding

Brand Strategy

We recognize that a fledgling company has significantly different needs than a long-established one, and are happy to provide brand strategy & development services to both. Whether your current brand is in need of a refresh, or you need to start from the ground up, we’re here for you.

Brand Naming

What’s in a name? Only one of the first and most important building blocks in your brand’s foundation. Through research and brainstorming led by in-depth communication with our clients, we’re able to target the values that will serve as a guidepost for your company’s name and the entirety of your brand.

Logo Design & Corporate Identity

As the most visually-recognizable component of your brand, your logo needs to go the extra mile in terms of authenticity and consistency. Guided by your input and the insights gained in the discovery process, we’ll craft a visual representation of your company that accurately communicates your industry and business values.

Brand Style Guides

The most successful brands are cohesive and consistent throughout, from functionality to font size. A brand that utilizes style repetition has a better chance of sticking out in people’s minds, and ensuring that they are recognizable and familiar. At LP Creative Co., we gather and analyze every detail of your newly-crafted brand to deliver a comprehensive brand identity guide (brand style book) of customized identity marks, typefaces used, color palettes, and proper use of your new brand. This brand style guide ensures that your brand is accurately represented, no matter who is marketing your business.

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